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Book: On Prayer, by Elder SophronyBook: On Prayer, by Elder SophronyA collection of articles on prayer and the spiritual life, together with some of the author's own prayers. A moving testimony to the relevance of Christ, who, for Archimandrite Sophrony, is "all, and in all, the beginning and the ending" of all things (cf. Col 3:11; Rev 1:8).
Book: On the Holy IconsBook: On the Holy IconsTo St Theodore the Studite, writing in the midst of the iconoclastic controversy of the eighth and ninth centuries, it was clear that iconoclasm is a serious heresy, which alienates its followers from God as much as any other heresy.
Book: On the Invocation of the Name of JesusBook: On the Invocation of the Name of JesusBy A Monk of the Eastern Church, the pseudonym of Fr. Lev Gillet. For those interested in learning about the Jesus Prayer.
Book: One Flesh: Salvation through Marriage in the Orthodox ChurchBook: One Flesh: Salvation through Marriage in the Orthodox ChurchAbout the Author: Archpriest Lawrence Farley is the pastor of St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church (OCA) in Langley, B.C., Canada. He received his B.A. from Trinity College, Toronto, and his M.Div. from Wycliffe College, Toronto. A former Anglican priest, he converted to Orthodoxy in 1985 and studied for two years at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary in Pennsylvania. In addition to the Orthodox Bible Companion Series, he has also published Let Us Attend, The Christian Old Testament, Following Egeria, A Daily Calendar of Saints, and many more titles.
Book: Orthodox Feasts of Jesus Christ and the Virgin MaryBook: Orthodox Feasts of Jesus Christ and the Virgin MaryHugh Wybrew is an Anglican priest who has studied Orthodoxy for many years. He is Vicar of St Mary Magdalen, Oxford. He was previously Dean of St George's Anglican Cathedral in Jerusalem, where he was in close contact with Eastern churches. He is also the author of Introduction to the Orthodox Liturgy(SVS Press, 19
Book: Orthodox Study BibleBook: Orthodox Study Bible

The Orthodox Study Bible is the fruit of over twenty years of labor by many of the best Orthodox Christian theologians of
our time. Here, by the grace of God, you will find the living water of His Word with comprehens

Book: Orthodox Worship: A Living Continuity with the Synagogue, the Temple, and the Early ChurchBook: Orthodox Worship: A Living Continuity with the Synagogue, the Temple, and the Early Church
Benjamin D. Williams holds a Master of Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary (1979). He has served in various facets of Christian ministry, including pastor, cantor, prison chaplain, and parish council chairman. He has been actively involved in the founding of three mission parishes and was ordained as a Reader (OCA) in 1994. He has served in various leadership roles in nonprofit organizations and has conducted leadership development seminars for the past twenty years.
Harold B. Anstall M.D. (now deceased) was, until his retirement, Professor of Pathology at the University of Utah Medical Center and author of many scientific books and publications. He was also a lay theologian in the area of liturgical worship and liturgical theology, part of a venerable tradition in the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Harry regularly taught adult education classes, particularly in the area of liturgics, over the years in various Orthodox churches in Salt Lake City, UT.
Book: Orthodoxy and HeterodoxyBook: Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape
Book: Prayer Book (Jordanville)Book: Prayer Book (Jordanville)
One of the most complete prayer books according to the Slavic tradition.
Book: Prayer: Encounter with the Living GodBook: Prayer: Encounter with the Living God“God does not need words; He needs men’s hearts. Words are secondary; of paramount importance are the feeling and disposition with which we approach God.”
Book: Psalter (Pocket Edition)Book: Psalter  (Pocket Edition)Beautiful pocket-sized Psalter published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery. 4" x 6 1/4" page size, 240 pages. Hard bound with sewn binding; printed on high quality, acid-free paper.
Book: Reclaiming the Atonement: An Orthodox Theology of RedemptionBook: Reclaiming the Atonement: An Orthodox Theology of RedemptionIn response to popular demand, Fr. Patrick Reardon presents the first of three volumes exploring redemption and salvation through the lens of Scripture, patristics, and liturgics, as well as through history, philosophy, language, literature, and psychology. He brings all these perspectives together to show how the whole of Christ’s work—from Incarnation to Ascension—accomplishes the “at-one-ment” of God with man.
Book: Recollections of JerusalemBook: Recollections of JerusalemFrom a historical perspective, these recollections offer a window into the struggles and aspirations of the Russian diaspora after the Communist takeover of their ancestral homeland. It shows how events such as the Bolshevik revolution, the Russian civil war, and the Arab–Israeli conflict have shaped present realities.
Book: Remember Thy First LoveBook: Remember Thy First Love
(Revelation 2:4-5): The Three Stages of the Spiritual Life in the Theology of Elder Sophrony
Book: Revelation of Life EternalBook: Revelation of Life Eternal

Revelation of Life Eternal: An Introduction to the Christian Message

Book: Revelation: A Liturgical ProphecyBook: Revelation: A Liturgical ProphecyFr Patrick Henry Reardon's books are of the highest quality and quite scholarly, yet profoundly simple to understand. This work will stand the test of time. His perceptions and insights are deeply rooted in the Scripture itself and the Fathers of the Church. This commentary is a major contribution to the field. —MARK, Archbishop of Eastern Pennsylvania (OCA)

FR PATRICK HENRY REARDON is a senior editor at Touchstone magazine, the author of many books—including Romans: An Orthodox Commentary (SVS Press) and The Jesus We Missed—and of hundreds of arti
Book: Rome, Constantinople, Moscow: Historical and Theological StudiesBook: Rome, Constantinople, Moscow: Historical and Theological StudiesThis is a compilation of essays on various historical and theological issues which discuss aspects of the estrangement between the two halves of the Christian world and present an evaluation of several attempts at healing the schism. It incluudes studies of various historical and theological issues which have arisen between East and West, and discusses the problems related to the Fall of Byzantium and the rise of Russia as a major centre of Orthodox mission and thought.
Book: Scripture Readings in Orthodox WorshipBook: Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship

"...a marvelous introduction to the mind of the Church. ...could well serve as fundamental material for a mini-unit in an adult education class."

Nadine Eskoff Brown, The Bookshelf

Book: Seasons of Grace: Reflections on the Orthodox Church YearBook: Seasons of Grace: Reflections on the Orthodox Church YearDonna Farley is a priest's wife, mother, and prolific writer. She is a published poet, science fiction writer, and columnist for The Handmaiden.
Book: Sermons on the Spiritual LifeBook: Sermons on the Spiritual LifeAn anthology of sermons on the spiritual life, taken from a 19th century multi-volume collection of St Philaret's homilies, and translated for the first time into the English language.
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