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Book: Help! I'm Bored in ChurchBook: Help! I'm Bored in ChurchDo you ever find yourself feeling bored in church? Don't despair—you're not alone, and there is hope!
Book: His Life is Mine, by Elder SophronyBook: His Life is Mine, by Elder SophronyArchimandrite Sophrony, an outstanding Christian ascetic, monk, and mystic of the twentieth century, studied at the Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris. He lived as a monk on Mount Athos in the Russian Monastery of St Panteleimon and spent his final years at the Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Essex, United Kingdom.
Book: Holy TraditionBook: Holy Tradition
Book: Hymn of EntryBook: Hymn of Entry

Bishop Kallistos (Ware) states in his foreword:

[Hymn of Entry] offers nothing less than a fresh vision of theology, the church and the world, a vision that is both original and yet genuinely traditional. The quality that characterizes this remarkable book is above all a sense of wholeness. The unity of the divine and human in the incarnate Christ, the unity of heaven and earth in the Divine Liturgy, the unity between theology and spirituality, between theology and life - such are the author's master-themes.
Book: I Love, Therefore I AmBook: I Love, Therefore I AmAbout the Author: Hieromonk Nikolai Sakharov holds a Ph.D. in theology from Oxford University and is the grand nephew of Archimandrite Sophrony. He is a member of the Monastery of St John the Baptist, Essex, United Kingdom.
Book: IconostasisBook: Iconostasis"The wall that separates two worlds in an iconostasis. One might mean by the iconostasis the boards or the bricks or the stones. In actuality, the iconostasis is a boundary between the visible and invisible worlds, and it functions as a boundary by being an obstacle to our seeing the altar, thereby making it accessible to our consciousness by means of its unified row of saints (i.e., by its cloud of witnesses) that surround the altar where God is, the sphere where heavenly glory dwells, thus proclaiming the Mystery. Iconostasis is vision."

--from the book

Book: Introduction to Liturgical TheologyBook: Introduction to Liturgical TheologyAlexander Schmemann's Introduction to Liturgical Theology is a masterful historical and critical introduction to the study of modern Orthodox liturgics and theology. There is scarcely a student of Christian worship who has not been stirred by the brilliant mind of the late Orthodox theologian Alexander Schmemann.
Book: Jesus Christ and the TempleBook: Jesus Christ and the Temple
Book: Jesus Christ: His Life and Teaching, Volume IIBook: Jesus Christ: His Life and Teaching, Volume IIVolume II: The Sermon on the Mount
Book: Journey to the KingdomBook: Journey to the Kingdom

The Orthodox Liturgy is not just an act of worship, but a potentially life-changing journey.

Book: Lectures on the Christian SacramentsBook: Lectures on the Christian Sacraments
Book: Let Us Attend, A Journey through the Orthodox Divine LiturgyBook: Let Us Attend, A Journey through the Orthodox Divine Liturgyby Archpriest Lawrence Farley. 100 pages. Conciliar Press. Gain a fuller understanding of the Orthodox Liturgy; sink deeper into the experience of worshipping the All-Holy and Life-giving Trinity. 
Book: Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on PrayerBook: Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on PrayerLetters to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer: Reflections on the Intimate Dialogue between Man and God

By CS Lewis
Book: Liturgy and Tradition: The Theological Reflections of Alexander SchmemannBook: Liturgy and Tradition: The Theological Reflections of Alexander SchmemannFather Alexander Schmemann (+ 1983) was a prolific writer, brilliant lecturer, and dedicated pastor. Former dean and professor of liturgical theology at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, his insight into contemporary culture and liturgical celebration left an indelible mark on the Christian community worldwide.
Book: Marriage and Virginity according to St. John ChrysostomBook: Marriage and Virginity according to St. John ChrysostomSaint John Chrysostom still speaks, today even louder than in the fourth century. Not all will wish to hear him, as not all wished to hear him then.... But those who have humility will find in him an able instructor, and will find a place of confidence in these confusing times. He radiates amidst the Holy Fathers of the Church as the great defender and sanctifier of the Christian home and city. Adherence to his teaching has produced innumerable saints in the Church, spiritually born both in the monastery and in the Christian home, and is capable of producing the same today. 

from the Afterword by Fr. Josiah Trenham
Book: Marriage as a Path to Holiness: Lives of Married SaintsBook: Marriage as a Path to Holiness: Lives of Married SaintsDrawing on that rich but often neglected source, the Lives of the Saints, this book provides us with a representative selection of models, of icons in words, to encourage us on our own journey to the kingdom, whether we are married or not...
Book: Marriage: An Orthodox PerspectiveBook: Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective
It is impossible to understand either the New Testament doctrine on marriage, or the very consistent practice of the Orthodox Church without seeing Christian marriage in the context of the Eucharist... The very notion of marriage as a sacrament presupposed that a man is not only a being with physiological, psychological, and social functions, but that he is a citizen of God's Kingdom, i.e., that his entire life, and especially its most decisive moments, involve eternal values and God Himself.

John Meyendorff

Book: Mount Athos: Renewal in ParadiseBook: Mount Athos: Renewal in Paradise
Book: On Ascetical Life, by Saint Isaac the SyrianBook: On Ascetical Life, by Saint Isaac the SyrianA good low-budget introduction to Saint Isaac, On Ascetical Life contains the first ten homilies.
Book: On Pascha, Melito of SardisBook: On Pascha, Melito of Sardis
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