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Book: Christ the Conqueror of HellBook: Christ the Conqueror of HellMetropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev), Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations, is well known throughout the Orthodox Church as a leading theologian, writer, and musical composer. He holds a doctorate in Philosophy from Oxford University and a doctorate in theology from St Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris.
Book: Christ, Our Way and Our LifeBook: Christ, Our Way and Our LifeArchimandrite Zacharias recapitulates and synthesizes both St. Silouan and his teacher, Fr. Sophrony of Essex, in a concise manner that brings the deepest aspects of our faith to any reader. Fr. Zacharias, a man of profound holiness and prayer, is truly a Holy Elder of our time and his writings are incomparably the best of our day.
Book: Coming Home, by Fr. Peter GillquistBook: Coming Home, by Fr. Peter GillquistComing Home is a collection of 18 personal stories of formerly Protestant clergy who converted to the Eastern Orthodox Church. Each person's journey to Orthodoxy is unique, yet they all have the same theme: each wanted more from his Christian worship and faith, and found his home in Orthodox Christianity. 
Book: Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos (Volumes 1 and 2)Book: Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos (Volumes 1 and 2)
Book: Crisis in ByzantiumBook: Crisis in Byzantium
Book: Dorotheos of Gaza, Discourses & SayingsBook: Dorotheos of Gaza, Discourses & SayingsEssential reading for any Christian who desires to profit spiritually from the wisdom of the desert fathers.
Book: Elder Anatole the Younger of OptinaBook: Elder Anatole the Younger of Optina
Book: Elder Anthony of OptinaBook: Elder Anthony of Optina
"Enduring terrible hardship and excruciating physical ailments, Elder Anthony acquired perfect spiritual freedom through the careful guarding of his soul and the humble acceptance of God's providence....The reader is involuntarily drawn into the quiet, restful atmosphere of Elder Anthony's beautiful soul, learning there the meaning of the lofty virtue of humble-mindedness." -- excerpt
Book: Elder Leonid of OptinaBook: Elder Leonid of OptinaIt was hard not to marvel at his joyfulness and inward peace. Preserving a holy simplicity, free of hypocrisy, he spoke with everyone in a direct and straightforward way.
Book: Elder Sebastian of OptinaBook: Elder Sebastian of OptinaElder Sebastian had a constant concern for instilling deep peace in people's souls, and a constant sense of service--through his labor and love--to those surrounding him. He was exacting in everything, but first of all toward himself. He had the gift of great and profound discernment, and exercised moderation in everything.
Book: Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey UniverseBook: Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe
Book: Feast of FaithBook: Feast of FaithArchbishop Paul, head of the Orthodox Church in Finland from 1969 to 1987, is well known for his popular explanation of Orthodoxy in The Faith We Hold, which itself originated as a pastoral letter. In the present work, he bears witness to the remarkable Eucharistic revival which has taken place in Finland. Using simple, accessible language, he guides the faithful towards a deeper understanding of the rites and prayers of the liturgy, and thus towards a more fruitful participation in the Banquet of the Kingdom.
Book: Fire from Ashes: The Reality of Perpetual ConversionBook: Fire from Ashes: The Reality of Perpetual ConversionNo matter how cold the ashes of our hearts, with Christ’s help we can fan them back into flame.
Book: First Fruits of Prayer: A Journey through the Canon of St AndrewBook: First Fruits of Prayer: A Journey through the Canon of St Andrew
Book: For They Shall See GodBook: For They Shall See GodDeveloping a Transformed Vision
Book: Gateway of Life: Orthodox Thinking on the Mother of GodBook: Gateway of Life: Orthodox Thinking on the Mother of God

"Mary Cunningham has given to the Church, and to any intrigued with the Theotokos, a stunning historical and theological exposition of Scripture, tradition, and liturgy, that (to borrow from Gregory of Nyssa) “assembles more of Truth’s shadow,” that we may see more of the light."     
—Edith M. Humphrey, William F. Orr Professor of New Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Book: Go Forth! Stories of Mission and Resurrection in AlbaniaBook: Go Forth! Stories of Mission and Resurrection in AlbaniaIn these, Fr. Luke shares stories of those years—stories of desperate poverty and of heroism, of setbacks and triumphs, of heartbreak and miracles—and calls us all to answer the Lord’s Great Commission: Go Forth!
Book: Great Lent: Journey to PaschaBook: Great Lent: Journey to PaschaFather Alexander Schmemann was a prolific writer, brilliant lecturer, and dedicated pastor. Former dean and professor of liturgical theology at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, his insight into contemporary culture and liturgical celebration left an indelible mark on the Christian community worldwide.
Book: Harbor for our Hope: On Acquiring Peace Amidst SufferingBook: Harbor for our Hope: On Acquiring Peace Amidst Suffering
Book: Healing Humanity: Confronting Our Moral CrisisBook: Healing Humanity: Confronting Our Moral Crisis
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